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About Liz: Welcome
About Liz: Text


Hi! I'm Liz.

I love foods that have the texture of a booger (oysters, passionfruit, etc.) and being outside.

I live on the NH seacoast with my husband Craig and our dog Lily.

I'm not your average health coach or nutritionist. I am an Intuitive Wellness Coach and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. I am also anti-diet and I will not promote weight loss. And even though I have a degree in nutrition and dietetics, you won't find me dishing out lots of health advice or sending out meal plans. You will find me guiding from my heart and my intuition, and encouraging you to do the same.

Don't get me wrong, I am more than happy to provide nutrition education, and help you strategize a plan for better health, but I no longer believe that is where you'll find true sustainable wellness.

When I graduated from my DPD program at Simmons, I was hell bent on eating and exercising perfectly and helping others do so too. Yet, even with all that knowledge I kept feeling worse and worse, and my health declined no matter how I strategized and perfected. It wasn't until I found Intuitive Eating and started healing the relationship I had with myself, my body, and food that I started to see improvements and understand what wellness truly is.

I found the wellness GOLD mine inside me, not in some silver bullet diet or exercise plan. That is why I say wellness is a lifelong intuitive practice that is rooted in love. The health wisdom we all seek is already within us - our bodies and our intuition are constantly sending us signals as to what we need and desire.

So we can discuss strategies for health and nutrition, but what I'm really excited about is helping you develop a loving and strong relationship with your body and yourself and nature (food!) that will provide you a robust foundation for lifelong wellness and a lot less suffering.

About Liz: Credentials
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